Eligibility for Membership
Membership of the association shall be open to all RBI authorised Non-Banking Finance Companies registered in the State of Kerala. RBI authorised Non-Banking Finance Companies registered outside the state of Kerala are eligibile for associate membership.
Any Non-Banking Finance Company eligible under eligibility for membership rule above shall be admitted as member of the association by the Managing Committee, provided the Company puts an application in writing in the prescribed form, supported by a board resolution of the Company signed by the person authorised by the Company for that purpose, accompanied by payment of requisite fees. On receipt of a duly completed application form for admission, the Secretary shall give notice to the members by exhibiting the brief particulars of the application on the notice board and after informing the members of the Managing Committee in detail shall include the admission in the agenda of the next Managing Committee meeting. The Managing Committee may admit or reject the application.
For application details and terms and conditions please write to enquiries@knbfc.org.