To provide a forum for the Non-Banking Finance Companies of the State of Kerala to meet and discuss matters of common interest and to evolve programmes and solutions for their problems and prospects. |
To protect and promote the interests, rights and privileges of the members with the Government and Financial Authorities and to represent them individually and collectively before Government and Legal Authorities. |
To unite the members in the bonds of friendship, fellowship and mutual understanding. |
To promote and foster a feeling of fellowship and spirit of understanding among the members for the betterment and progress of their business. |
To advice the members in all matters, legal or otherwise pertaining to their business. |
To consult, co-operate or federate with similar or other associations or organisations, in and outside India.
To raise, borrow or secure money by subscriptions or loans from members and from the public from time to time, as deemed necessary, in the furtherance of the objectives of the association. |
To invest, spend and deal with the funds of the association in such manner as may be deemed necessary, from time to time as determined and to open and operate Bank Accounts (Savings Bank Account and/or Current Account) in the Association's name. |
To acquire by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise, movable and immovable properties of any description, and alter, construct or demolish structures and buildings and let, lease, sell or otherwise deal with such assets, as are deemed necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the association. |
To organise seminars, discussions, workshops and conduct training classes, on matters arising out of economic reforms, financial legislations and directives of financial authorities, affecting the members and their business.
To maintain libraries, publish periodicals, books and articles for the benefit of the members. |
To delegate representatives to associations and organisations in which the association or its members are interested. |
To borrow from banks or other financial institutions or individuals money required for carrying out any or all of the objectives of the association. |
To engage lawyers and to seek legal remedy for any problem faced by the association or its members. |
To generally do all other acts incidental or conducive to the common interest of the association and its members and for the attainment of these objectives. |